It All Started When....
A group of North County citizens learned of San Diego County's plans to expand McClellan-Palomar Airport.
After years of trying to work with the County on issues at McClellan-Palomar Airport as individual concerned citizens, they came together to get organized. Citizens for a Friendly Airport (C4FA) was formed. C4FA has worked diligently outlining issues with the latest 20-year Master Plan Update for McClellan-Palomar Airport. C4FA met with City of Carlsbad officials and County staff, responded with over 500 pages of documentation to the Programmatic Environmental Impact Report, wrote letters, and made phone calls. Issues and concerns were not addressed adequately. The County Board of Supervisors passed a very deficient plan in October 2018 against their own staff recommendations.
In passing the 20-year Master Plan Update for McClellan-Palomar Airport, the County gave C4FA no other options or recourse. C4FA filed an environmental lawsuit because of the many unanswered questions in the plan. There are those who say that it’s just a plan and there are no specific projects which have been funded. C4FA believes that the plan sets a direction which will lead to an expanded McClellan-Palomar Airport that will have severe negative impacts on our communities.
It is clear, from historical documentation beginning at the time the airport was relocated from Del Mar in 1959, that Carlsbad city officials and residents have been concerned about overreach by the County. At issue are airport expansion plans that are inconsistent with the City of Carlsbad’s General Plan, Community Vision, and Core Values. C4FA stands with the residents of North County to protect our quality of life, our environment, and our safety.